Barbershop Trivia
(revised 08/08/11)
It's updated here! As has been done for years, the following is the
updated medalist trivia list. Hope this helps your
appreciation of barbershop medalist accomplishments, and perhaps gives a
PROBEite or two some fodder. As you can see, a few categories got soem
changes for the year. Please send any needed comments to my address
Bob Sutton bsutton@a...
Alexandria, Virginia
The Heritage Hall Museum of
Barbershop Harmony
Medalist Trivia
Individual Medalist Trivia
Most medals of any kind won by one person: 11
Number of guys to win 11 medals: 2
1. Jim Gentil (11)
1976-81, 1983 Roaring '20s
1990-93 The Naturals
Joe Connelly
1985-87 Interstate Rivals
1991-92 Keepsake
1999-2000 Platinum
2008-11 Old School
3. Doug Anderson (10)
1971-73 Far Westerners
1977, 1979, 1987, 1989-92 139th Street Quartet
Most gold medals won by one person: 4
Number of guys to win 4 gold medals: 1
1. Joe Connelly (4)
1987 Interstate Rivals (lead)
1992 Keepsake (lead)
2000 Platinum (lead)
2011 Old School (lead)
2. Tony DeRosa (3)
1992 Keepsake (bari)
2000 Platinum (bari)
2007 MaxQ (lead)
Jeff Oxley
1984 Rapscallions (bass)
1990 Acoustix (bass)
2007 MaxQ (bass)
Kipp Buckner
1987 Interstate Rivals (tenor)
1993 Gas House Gang (tenor)
2011 Old School (tenor)
5. Don Barnick (2)
1979 Grandma's Boys (tenor)
1992 Keepsake (bass)
Brian Beck
1973 Dealer's Choice (bari)
1983 Side St. Ramblers (lead)
Kipp Buckner
1987 Interstate Rivals (tenor)
1993 Gas House Gang (tenor)
Tom Felgen
1965 Four Renegades (bass)
1981 Chicago News (bass)
Fred Farrell
1989 Second Edition (tenor)
2009 Crossroads (tenor)
Paul Gilman
1987 Interstate Rivals (bari)
1995 Marquis (bari)
Brandon Guyton
2002 Four Voices (bari)
2009 Crossroads (bari)
Jay Hawkins
1987 Interstate Rivals (bass)
1995 Marquis (bass)
Jim Henry
1993 Gas House Gang (bass)
2009 Crossroads (bass)
Gary Lewis
2000 Platinum (tenor)
2007 MaxQ (bari)
John Miller
1979 Grandma's Boys (bass)
1985 The New Tradition (bass)
Mo Rector
1958 Gaynotes (bass)
1969 Mark IV (bass)
Al Rehkop
1966 Auto Towners (tenor)
1971 Gent's. Agreement (tenor)
Mike Slamka
2003 Power Play (lead)
2009 Crossroads (lead)
Glenn Van Tassell
1966 Auto Towners (lead)
1971 Gent's. Agreement (bari)
First to double-gold medal: Mo Rector
Quickest to do so: Al Rehkop, Glenn Van Tassell and Joe Connelly
First quartet to have all members double-gold medal: Interstate Rivals
Most silver medals won by one person: 5
Number of guys to win 5 silver medals: 4
1. 5 Ben Franklin (lead)
Bert Phelps (bari)
1941-43 KC Barber Pole Cats, 1946 KC Serenaders,
1947 Lions Club Serenaders
Tony DeRosa
1991 Keepsake, 1999 Platinum (bari),
2004-06 MaxQ (lead)
Joe Connelly (lead)
1986 Interstate Rivals, 1991 Keepsake,
1999 Platinum, 2009-10 Old School
2. 4 Don Stone (bass)
1941-02 KC Barber Pole Cats, 1946 KC Serenaders,
1947 Lions Club Serenaders
Denny Gore (lead)
1976 Vagabonds, 1982-04 Center Stage
Gary Lewis (tenor)
1999 Platinum, 2004-06 MaxQ (bari)
Kipp Buckner (tenor)
1986 Interstate Rivals, 1992 Gas House Gang
2009-10 Old School
Most 3rd-place bronze medals won by one person: 4
Number of guys to win 4 3rd-place medals: 3
John Hohl
1976 Nova Chords (bari)
1983-84, 1986 Vaudeville (bari)
Scott Werner
1976 Nova Chords (lead)
1983-84, 1986 Vaudeville (lead)
Jim Gentil
1980 Roaring '20s (bass)
1990, 1992-93 Naturals (bass)
Most 4th-place bronze medals won by one person: 4
Number of guys to win 4 4th-place medals: 1
Dan Jordan
1980, 1982-83 Grand Tradition (lead)
1992 139th Street Quartet (lead)
Most 5th-place bronze medals won by one person: 4
Number of guys to win 4 5th-place medals: 4
Doug Anderson
1971, 1973 Far Westerners (tenor)
1979, 1991 139th Street Quartet (tenor)
Jim Gentil (bass)
Don Gray (tenor)
Gerry Kelly (lead)
1976-77, 1981, 1983 Roaring 20s
Number of guys to win all 5 medals (in any order): 9
Terry Clarke (bass)
Rick Knapp (lead)
Kent Martin (tenor)
Larry Tully (bari)
1 = 1980 Boston Common
2 = 1979 Boston Common
3 = 1974, 1978 Boston Common
4 = 1973, 1975, 1977 Boston Common
5 = 1972 Boston Common
Gary Harding (tenor)
Jack Harding (bari)
Mike Senter (bass)
1 = 1972 Golden Staters
2 = 1969 Golden Staters
3 = 1968, 1971 Golden Staters
4 = 1966 Golden Staters
5 = 1967 Golden Staters
Greg Wright
1 = 1981 Chicago News (bari)
2 = 1970, 1971 Sundowners (bari) & 1980 Chicago News
3 = 1969 Sundowners (bari)
4 = 1967, 1968 Sundowners (tenor)
5 = 1966 Sundowners (tenor)
Jim Kline (bass)
1 = 2004 Gotcha!
2 = 1977, 1990 139th Street Quartet & 2003 Gotcha!
3 = 1989 139th Street Quartet
4 = 1987, 1992 139th Street Quartet
5 = 1979, 1991 139th Street Quartet
Only guy to win all five medals in order: Greg Wright
Most voice parts medaled with by one person: 3
Number of guys to medal with 3 voice parts: 2
Brian Beck
bari = Dealer's Choice 1973: 1
lead = Side St. Ramblers 1981, 1982: 3, 1983: 1
bass = Saturday Evening Post 2004: 5
Don Barnick
tenor = Grandma's Boys 1978: 2, 1979: 1
bass = Keepsake 1991: 2, 1992: 1
bari = Riptide 2005: 4
Toby Balsley
bari = Bank Street 1988: 4, 1989: 2, 1990: 5
lead = Bank Street 1997: 4, 1998: 5, 1999: 5
Bob Bohn
bari = Easternaires 1956: 5, 1959: 4
bass = Easternaires 1970: 5
Tom Dames
lead = Easternaires 1956: 5
tenor = Easternaires 1959: 4
Tony DeRosa
Bari = Keepsake 1991: 2, 1992: 1
Bari = Platinum 1999: 2, 2000: 1
Lead = MaxQ 2004: 2, 2005: 2, 2006: 2, 2007: 1
Lead = Main Street: 5, 2011
Ed Easley
lead = Varsity Four 1949: 5
bari = Clef Dwellers 1951: 3
Jay Giallombardo
bari = Grandma's Boys 1976: 3, 1978: 2, 1979: 1
bass = Chicago Chord of Trade 1987: 5, 1988: 3
Doug Harrington
tenor = Harrington Brothers 1984, 1985: 4
bari = Second Edition 1987, 1988: 2, 1989: 1
Jay Hawkins
bass = Interstate Rivals 1985: 3, 1986: 2, 1987: 1
bari = Naturals 1992, 1993: 3
bass = Marquis 1994: 4, 1995: 1
Dan Heyburn
tenor = Easternaires 1956: 5
lead = Easternaires 1959: 4, 1970: 5
Glenn Howard
bari = Capitol City Four 1939: 2
bass = Capitol City Four 1941: 5
Gary Lewis
Tenor = Platinum 1999: 2, 2000: 1
Bari = MaxQ 2004: 2, 2005: 2, 2006: 2, 2007: 1
Bill McDowell
tenor = Westinghouse Quartet 1945: 2
lead = Westinghouse Quartet 1948: 4
Doug Miller
bari = Sundowners 1966: 5, 1967, 1968:4
bass = Avant Garde 1969: 5
bari = Soundtracks 1974: 5
Dave Mittelstadt
lead = Play-Tonics 1956: 2, 1957: 5
bari = Easternaires 1970: 5
Jeff Selano
bass = Riptide 2001-2: 4, 2003: 5, 2004: 3, 2005:4
tenor = Storm Front 2009: 3, 2010: 1
John Sherburn
tenor = The New Tradition 1985: 1
lead = 139th St. Quartet 1989: 3, 1990: 2, 1991: 5
Tony Sparks
tenor = Bank Street 1988: 4, 1989: 2, 1990: 5
bari = Bank Street 1997: 4, 1998: 5, 1999: 5
Joe Sullivan
lead = Four Renegades 1962: 3, 1963: 4
bari = Avant Garde 1968: 5, 1969: 5
Rick Taylor
tenor = Riptide 2003: 5, 2004: 3, 2005: 4
tenor = Old School 2008: 5
bari = BSQ 1997: 5, 1998: 3, 1999: 4, 2000: 3
Glenn van Tassell
lead = Auto Towners 1965: 4, 1966: 1
bari = Gentlemenâ€s Agreement 1970: 4, 1971: 1
bari = Center Stage 1981: 4, 1982, 1983, 1984: 4
Greg Wright
tenor = Sundowners 1966: 5, 1967, 1968: 4
bari = Sundowners 1969: 3, 1970, 1971: 2
bari = Chicago News 1980: 2, 1981: 1
First guy to medal with two voice parts: Glenn Howard: 1939, 1941
Number of guys to win gold with two voice parts: 5
Don Barnick = Grandma's Boys 1979, Keepsake 1992
Brian Beck = Dealer's Choice 1973, Side St. Ramblers 1983
Tony DeRosa = Keepsake 1992, Platinum 2000, MaxQ 2007
Gary Lewis = Platinum 2000, MaxQ 2007
Glenn van Tassell = Auto Towners 1966, Gentlemenâ€s Agreement
Voice part medalist combinations:
Lead, bari & bass = 1 Brian Beck
Tenor, bari & bass = 1 Don Barnick
Tenor & lead = 4 Tom Dames
Dan Heyburn
Bill McDowell
John Sherburn
Tenor & bari = 5 Doug Harrington
Gary Lewis
Tony Sparks
Rick Taylor
Greg Wright
Tenor & bass = 1 Jeff Selano
Lead & bari = 6 Toby Balsley
Tony DeRosa
Ed Easley
Dave Mittelstadt
Glenn van Tassell
Bari & bass = 4 Bob Bohn
Jay Hawkins
Glenn Howard
Doug Miller
Most quartets medaled with by one person: 4
Number of guys to medal with 4 quartets: 2
Joe Connelly (4)
Interstate Rivals 1985-87
Keepsake 1991-92
Platinum 1999-2000
Old School 2008-11
Tony DeRosa
Keepsake 1991-92
Platinum 1999-2000
Max Q 2004-07
Main Street 2011
Don Barnick (3)
Grandmaâ€s Boys 1978-79
Keepsake 1991-92
Riptide 2005
Brian Beck
Dealers Choice 1973
Side Street Ramblers 1981-83
Saturday Evening Post 2004
Kipp Buckner
Interstate Rivals 1985-87
Gas House Gang 1991-93
Old School 2009-11
Bobby Gray, Jr.
Grand Tradition 1980, 1982-83
The New Tradition 1985
Saturday Evening Post 2004
Jay Hawkins
Interstate Rivals 1985-87
Naturals 1992-93
Marquis 1994-95
Dan Jordan
Grand Tradition 1980, 1982-83
The New Tradition 1985
139th Street Quartet 1992
Doug Miller
Sundowners 1966-68
Avant Garde 1969
Soundtracks 1974
Harold Nantz
Vaudeville 1982-84
Sidekicks 1989
Backbeat 1995
Jeff Oxley
Rapscallions 1984
Acoustix 1990
Max Q 2004-07
Rick Taylor
BSQ 1997-2000
Riptide 2003-05
Old School 2008
Glenn van Tassell
Auto Towners 1965-66
Gentlemenâ€s Agreement 1970-71
Center Stage 1981-84
Quartet Trivia
Most medals of any kind won by a quartet: 8 = Boston Common
Most years between successive medals:
11 = Easternaires (1959-70)
8 = 139th Street Quartet (1979-87)
7 = Bank Street (1990-97)
Number of quartets to win gold the first time they medalled: 20
Bartlesville Barflies 1939
Chord Busters 1941
Elastic Four 1942
Four Harmonizers 1943
Pittsburghers 1948
Buffalo Bills 1950
Schmitt Brothers 1951
Four Teens 1952
Orphans 1954
Suntones 1961
Gala Lads 1962
Dealer's Choice 1973
Happiness Emporium 1975
Most Happy Fellows 1977
Rapscallions 1984
The New Tradition 1985
Acoustix 1990
Revival 1998
Realtime 2005
Vocal Spectrum 2006
Number of quartets to win gold at their first international contest: 8
Bartlesville Barflies 1939
Chord Busters 1941
Elastic Four 1942
Pittsburghers 1948
Schmitt Brothers 1951
Four Teens 1952
Dealer's Choice 1973
Acoustix 1990 **
(** Acoustix was one voice-part change from the
Class of the 80s that competed in 1989)
Consecutive medals:
Silver: 3 consecutive years (5)
KC Barber Polecats 1941-43
Town and Country Four 1960-62 (won gold in 1963)
Pacificaires 1972-74
Center Stage 1982-84
MaxQ 2004-06 (won gold in 2007)
Third: 2 consecutive years (7)
Phillips 66 Barflies 1941-2
Antlers 1949-50
Regents 1972-73 (won gold in 1974)
Side Street Ramblers 1981-82 (won gold in 1983)
Vaudeville 1983-84
Naturals 1992-93
SRO 1996-97
Fourth: 2 consecutive years (10)
Harmony Kings 1941-42
Chordoliers 1946-47
Four Chorders 1950-51
Four Pitchhikers 1956-57 (won gold in 1959)
Baytown Four 1960-61
Sundowners 1967-68
Roaring â€20s 1978-79
Grand Tradition 1982-83
Harrington Brothers 1984-85
Riptide 2001-02
Fifth: 2 consecutive years (9)
Statesmen 1953-54
Saints 1960-61
Avant Garde 1968-69
Roaring â€20s 1976-77
Chordiac Arrest 1988-89
BSQ 1996-97
Bank Street 1998-99
Power Play 2000-01 (won gold in 2003)
Flipside 2006-07
Chorus Trivia
Most medals of any kind won by a chorus: 22 = Southern Gateway
1. Southern Gateway Chorus 22
2. New Tradition (The) 19
3. Thoroughbreds 18
4. Alexandria Harmonizers 17
5. Vocal Majority 15
6. Phoenicians 14
7. Ambassadors of Harmony 13
8. Northern Lights 11
9. Dukes of Harmony 9
Masters of Harmony 9
Great Northern Union 9
12. Tidelanders 8
13. Chordsmen 7
Chorus of the Dunes 7
East York Bâ€shoppers 7
West Towns 7
17. Dapper Dans of Harmony 6
Pekin Chorus 6
19. Sun Harbor Chorus 5
Denver 5
21. Minneapolis Commodores 4
22. Arlington Heights, IL 3
Big Apple Chorus 3
Border Chorders 3
Californians 3
Men of Accord 3
Michigan City Chorus (AoH)3
Peninsulaires 3
Big Chicken Chorus 3
Midwest Vocal Express 3
Westminster Chorus 3
32. Alliance 2
Cascade Chorus 2
Chorus of the Chesapeake 2
Citrus Belters 2
Dixie Cotton Boll Chorus 2
Great American Chorus 2
Harmony Hawks 2
Kountry Kernels 2
Miamians 2
Montclair Chorus 2
Port City Chorus 2
"Q" Suburban Chorus 2
Razor's Edge 2
Revelaires 2
Smokeyland Chorus 2
Most gold medals won by a chorus: 11
Number of choruses to win 11 gold medals: 1
1. Vocal Majority 11
2. Masters of Harmony 8
3. Thoroughbreds 7
4. Alexandria Harmonizers 4
5. Pekin Chorus 3
Phoenicians 3
7. Ambassadors of Harmony 2
Chorus of the Chesapeake 2
Dapper Dans of Harmony 2
Dukes of Harmony 2
Southern Gateway Chorus 2
Westminster Chorus 2
Most silver medals won by a chorus: 8
Number of choruses to win 8 silver medals: 1
1. New Tradition (The) 8
2. Thoroughbreds 7
3. Northern Lights 5
4. Southern Gateway Chorus 4
5. Alexandria Harmonizers 3
Chorus of the Dunes 3
West Towns Chorus 3
Vocal Majority 3
Most 3rd-place bronze medals won by a chorus: 6
Number of choruses to win 6 3rd-place medals: 1
1. Southern Gateway Chorus 6
2. Alexandria Harmonizers 5
Ambassadors of Harmony 5
4. East York Barbershoppers 4
New Tradition 4
6. Phoenicians 3
Thoroughbreds 3
Northern Lights 3
Most 4th-place bronze medals won by a chorus: 6
Number of choruses to win 6 4th-place medals: 1
1. Southern Gateway Chorus 6
2. Tidelanders 4
Ambassadors of Harmony 4
4. Men of Accord 3
Phoenicians 3
Chordsmen 3
Great Northern Union 3
Alexandria Harmonizers 3
Denver 3
New Tradition (The) 3
11. Dapper Dans of Harmony 2
Dukes of Harmony 2
Port City Chorus 2
Most 5th-place bronze medals won by a chorus: 4
Number of choruses to win 4 5th-place medals: 1
1. Southern Gateway Chorus 4
2. Arlington Heights, IL 3
Chorus of the Dunes 3
Phoenicians 3
Great Northern Union 3
Midwest Vocal Express 3
New Tradition (The) 3
7. Alexandria Harmonizers 2
Big Chicken Chorus 2
Chordsmen 2
Citrus Belters 2
Minneapolis Commodores 2
Dukes of Harmony 2
East York Barbershoppers 2
Sun Harbor Chorus 2
Tidelanders 2
Northern Lights 2
Number of choruses to win all 5 medals (in any order or multiples
thereof): 8
Alexandria Harmonizers
Dapper Dans of Harmony
Dukes of Harmony
New Tradition
Southern Gateway Chorus
West Towns Chorus
Director Trivia
Most medals of any kind won by a director: 18
Number of directors to win 18 medals: 1
18 = Jay Giallombardo w/ New Tradition 1988-2008
14 = Jim Miller w/ Thoroughbreds and Southern Gateway: 1969-1995
Jim Clancy w/ Vocal Majority: 1975-2010
13 = Greg Lyne w/ Lombard, SF Springs, Lake County, Bay Area 1982-2008
12 = Lou Laurel w/ Border Chorders and Phoenicians: 1964-1988
Scott Werner w/ Alexandria Harmonizers 1978-2002
Jim Henry w/ Ambassadors of Harmony 1994-2009
11 = Steve Armstrong w/Northern Lights 2000-2011
10 = Tom Gentil w/ Southern Gateway 1969-1981
Most gold medals won by a director: 11
Number of directors to win 11 gold medals: 1
1. Jim Clancy (11) w/ Vocal Majority: 1975, 1979, 1982, 1985, 1988
1991, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006
2. Jim Miller (7) w/ Thoroughbreds: 1966, 1969, 1974, 1978, 1981, 1984
w/ Southern Gateway Chorus: 1992
3. Scott Werner (4) w/ Alexandria Harmonizers: 1986, 1989, 1995, 1998
Greg Lyne w/ Lombard: 1987
w/ Masters of Harmony: 1990, 1993, 1996
Lou Laurel w/ Border Chorders: 1964
w/ Phoenicians: 1972, 1976, 1983
Mark Hale w/ Masters of Harmony 2002, 2005, 2008, 2011
Most silver medals won by a director: 8
Number of directors to win 8 silver medals: 1
1. Jay Giallombardo (8) w/ New Tradition: 1993-2000
2. Steve Armstrong (5) w/Northern Lights: 2001-05
Chris Arnold w/Northern Lights: 2001-05
4. Jim Clancy (3) w/Vocal Majority 1978, 2009-10
Allen Hatton w/ Thoroughbreds: 1988-1990
Greg Lyne w/ West Towns Chorus: 1984-86
Scott Werner w/ Alexandria Harmonizers: 1979-80, 1992
Most 3rd-place bronze medals won by a director: 5
Number of directors to win 5 3rd-place medals: 2
1. Tom Gentil (5) w/ Southern Gateway: 1969-71, 1976, 1978
Jim Henry w/ Ambassadors of Harmony: 1995-98, 2003
3. Scott Werner (4) w/ Alexandria Harmonizers:
1993-94, 2001-02
Jay Giallombardo w/ New Tradition:
1989-90, 2004-05
Most 4th-place bronze medals won by a director: 3
Number of directors to win 3 4th-place medals: 3
1. John Devine (3) w/ Tidelanders: 1970, 1981, 1983
Jim Henry w/ Ambassadors of Harmony: 1994, 2001-02
Darin Drown w/ Denver Mile-High 2008-2010
4. Al Burgess (2) with Muskegon: 1959, 1961
Jim Turner with London: 1958, 1967
Greg Backwell with London: 1967-68
Joe Liles with Chordsmen: 1971-72
Lou Laurel with Phoenicians: 1979, 1986
Greg Lyne with West Towns: 1982, with Masters 1989
Dean Haagenson with Great Northern Union: 1992-93
Jim Miller with Southern Gateway: 1990, 1995
Jean Barford with Southern Gateway: 1997-98
Richard Lewellen with Alexandria Harmonizers: 2004-05
Jay Giallombardo with New Tradition 1988, 2006
Most 5th-place bronze medals won by a director: 4
Number of directors to win 4 5th-place medals: 1
1. Bob Mucha (4) w/ Middletown, OH 1959,
Southern Gateway 1983, 1987, 1996
2. Doug Miller (3) w/ Arlington Heights: 1973-75
Jay Giallombardo (3) w/ New Tradition 1992, 2007-08
Number of medalist directors who are also quartet medalists: 29
Greg Backwell
Buzz Busby
David Calland
Don Clause
John Devine
Darin Drown
Jerry Fairchild
Royce Ferguson
Jay Giallombardo
Mark Hale
Allen Hatton
Ken Hatton
Jim Henry
Clay Hine
John Hohl
Fred King
Richard Lewellen
Doug Miller
Dave Mittelstadt
Earl Moon
Jeff Oxley
Doc Ruggles
Jim Sikorski
David Smotzer
Bob Spong
Gary Steinkamp
Jim Turner
Scott Werner
Harlan Wilson
Number of medalist directors who are also quartet champions: 16
Buzz Busby
John Devine
Darin Drown
Jerry Fairchild
Royce Ferguson
Jay Giallombardo
Mark Hale
Allen Hatton
Ken Hatton
Jim Henry
Clay Hine
Fred King
Jeff Oxley
David Smotzer
Bob Spong
Harlan Wilson
Number of champion directors who are also quartet medalists: 9
Buzz Busby
Royce Ferguson
Jay Giallombardo
Mark Hale
Jim Henry
Fred King
Dave Mittelstadt
Jeff Oxley
Scott Werner
Number of champion directors who are also quartet champions: 7
Buzz Busby
Quartet = Confederates 1956
Chorus = Dixie Cotton Boll 1958
Royce Ferguson
Quartet = Revival 1998
Chorus = Westminster 2007
Jay Giallombardo
Quartet = Grandmaâ€s Boys 1979
Chorus = New Tradition Chorus 2001
Mark Hale
Quartet = Michigan Jake 2001
Chorus = Masters of Harmony 2002, 2005, 2008, 2011
Jim Henry
Quartet = Gas House Gang 1993, Crossroads 2009
Chorus = Ambassadors of Harmony 2004, 2009
Fred King
Quartet = Oriole Four 1970
Chorus = Chorus of the Chesapeake 1971
Jeff Oxley
Quartet = Rapscallions 1984, Acoustix 1990, MaxQ 2007
Chorus = Masters of Harmony 1999
Number of father/son quartet medalist pairs: 7
Father listed first:
(1) Dwight Dragoo Capital City Four 1939, 1941
Gene Dragoo Capital City Four 1941
(2) Pete Elder Westinghouse Quartet 1944, 1947-48
Jack Elder Town and Country Four 1959-63
(3) Harlan Wilson Suntones 1961
Todd Wilson Acoustix 1990
(4) Fred King Oriole Four 1969-70
Kevin King BSQ 1996-2000
(5) Mike Connelly Roaring '20s 1978-81, 1983
The Naturals 1990-91
Joe Connelly Interstate Rivals 1985-87
Keepsake 1991-92
Platinum 1999-2000
Old School 2008-10
(6) Jack Slamka Power Play 2000-03
Mike Slamka Power Play 2000-03
Crossroads 2008-09
(7) Jack Slamka Power Play 2000-03
Mark Slamka Power Play 2000-03
umber of father/son quartet champion pairs: 3
Father listed first:
(1) Harlan Wilson Suntones 1961
Todd Wilson Acoustix 1990
(2) Jack Slamka Power Play 2003
Mike Slamka Power Play 2003
Crossroads 2009
(3) Jack Slamka Power Play 2003
Mark Slamka Power Play 2003
Number of brother medalist families (any quartet): 20
(1) Brooks Chuck Colonials 1960
Bill Colonials 1960
(2) Dragoo Dwight Capitol City Four 1939, 1941
Frank Harmony Kings 1941-42
(3) Evans Jack Evans Quartet 1958-60
Preston Evans Quartet 1958-60
Turk Evans Quartet 1958-60
(4) Guyton Chad Four Voices 2001-02
Brandon Four Voices 2001-02
Crossroads 2008-09
(5) Hale Chris Michigan Jake 1998
Mark Michigan Jake 1998-2001
(6) Hall Ray Harmony Halls 1943-44
Gordon Harmony Halls 1943-44
(7) Harding Gary Golden Staters 1967-72
Jack Golden Staters 1967-72
(8) Harrington Mike Harrington Brothers 1984-85
Jeff Harrington Brothers 1984-85
David Harrington Brothers 1984-85
Second Edition 1987-89
Doug Harrington Brothers 1984-85
Second Edition 1987-89
(9) Hatton Al Blue Grass Student Union 1976, 1978
Kenny Blue Grass Student Union 1976, 1978
(10) Henry Rob Gas House Gang 1991-93
Jim Gas House Gang 1991-93
Crossroads 2008-09
(11) Hunkin Jeff Musical Island Boys 2010-11
Will Musical Island Boys 2010-11
(12) Lytle Bob Lytle Brothers 1954
Richard Lytle Brothers 1954
Keystone Quads 1951-52
Paul Lytle Brothers 1954
Keystone Quads 1951-52
Matt Lytle Brothers 1954
Keystone Quads 1951-52
(13) Metzger Mark Realtime 2005
Tom Realtime 2005
(14) McCormic Mike Flipside 2006-07
Tim Flipside 2006-07
Redline 2008
(15) Schmitt Joe Schmitt Brothers 1951
Jim Schmitt Brothers 1951
Paul Schmitt Brothers 1951
Fran Schmitt Brothers 1951
(16) Slamka Mark Power Play 2000-03
Mike Power Play 2000-03
Crossroads 2008-09
(17) Starling Wils Four Chorders 1950-53
Ron Four Chorders 1950-53
(18) Vienneau Dick Four Rascals 1963-66
Jim Four Rascals 1963-66
(19) Wright Greg Sundowners 1966-71
Chicago News 1980-81
Larry Sundowners 1966-71
139th Street Quartet 1979, 1987
(20) Yoder Cal Rural Route 4 1985-86
Willard Rural Route 4 1985-86
Number of brother champion families: 11
(1) Evans Evans Quartet 1960 Jack, Pres, Turk
(2) Guyton Four Voices 2002 Chad, Brandon
(3) Hall Harmony Halls 1944 Ray, Gordon
(4) Harding Golden Staters 1972 Jack, Gary
(5) Harrington Second Edition 1989 David, Doug
(6) Hatton Blue Grass Student Union 1978 Al, Kenny
(7) Henry Gas House Gang 1993 Rob, Jim
(8) Metzger Realtime 2005 Mark, Tom
(9) Schmitt Schmitt Brothers 1951 Joe, Jim, Paul, Fran
(10) Slamka Power Play 2003 Mike, Mark
(11) Yoder Rural Route Four 1986 Cal, Willard
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